Portable 3D Printers vs Stationary 3D Printers - Pros, Cons, and Comparison

July 13, 2021

Portable 3D Printers vs Stationary 3D Printers - Pros, Cons, and Comparison

When it comes to 3D printing, there are two main options: portable or stationary printers. Each has its pros and cons, and deciding which one is better for you depends on your needs and requirements. In this article, we will be comparing the two, weighing the pros and cons, to help you make an informed decision.

Portable 3D Printers

Portable 3D printers are small, compact, and lightweight machines that can be easily moved from one place to another. They are an excellent choice for those who need to print on the go, such as designers, hobbyists, or educators. Portable 3D printers are also ideal for those who have limited space, as they take up less room than stationary printers.


  • Lightweight and compact: Portable printers are small and lightweight, making them incredibly easy to move around.
  • Easy to store: Their small size makes them easy to store in a closet or on a shelf when not in use.
  • On-the-go printing: Portability allows for printing anywhere, anytime you need it.
  • Affordable: Portable printers are generally less expensive than their stationary counterparts.


  • Limited capabilities: Portable printers have fewer features and are generally limited in their printing capabilities, such as the size of the object they can print or the materials they can use.
  • Slower printing speed: Due to their smaller size, printing with a portable 3D printer is often slower than with a stationary printer.
  • Lower quality: Portable printers may produce lower-quality prints because of their limited capabilities.

Stationary 3D Printers

Stationary 3D printers are larger and more powerful machines that are designed to stay in one place. They are often used in industrial settings or by those who need to print large quantities of items. Stationary printers are also better suited for printing larger objects or those with intricate designs.


  • High-quality prints: Stationary printers can produce high-quality prints because of their advanced capabilities.
  • Large printing size: They can print large 3D objects, which is not usually possible with portable printers.
  • Faster printing speed: Stationary printers are generally faster and can print objects in a shorter amount of time than portable printers.
  • High-quality materials: Stationary printers can use a wide range of materials to print with, including more advanced materials like metal.


  • Not portable: Stationary printers are bulky and heavy, and they are not designed to be moved frequently.
  • Expensive: Stationary printers are often more expensive than portable printers due to their advanced features and capabilities.
  • Difficult to store: Due to their large size, stationary printers can be challenging to store when not in use.


In conclusion, whether you choose a portable or stationary 3D printer depends on your needs and requirements. Portable printers are excellent for those who need a printer on-the-go or have limited space, but they may have limited capabilities. Stationary printers are better suited for larger projects, high-quality materials, and larger printing sizes, but they are more expensive and less portable.

We hope this article has helped you decide which printer is best for you. Happy printing!


  1. "Portable 3D Printer - Everything You Need to Know." Inov3D.
  2. "The Pros and Cons of 3D Printing." Business News Daily.
  3. "How to Choose the Best 3D Printer for Your Needs." Digital Trends.

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